Gabriella Nugent

HacerNoche: Promised Land

4 September – 4 December 2022
Oaxaca, Mexico

Curated by Elvira Dyangani Ose, Pablo Arredondo, Joselyne Contreras and Gabriella Nugent

With over 10 institutions and public spaces throughout the city and territory of Oaxaca, the festival comprises programming, publications, and performances—headlined by 17 new commissions by leading local and international artists.

Artists include: Dia al-Azzawi, Lola Álvarez Bravo, Michael Armitage, Art Labor & Gabby Miller,  Wendimagegn Belete, Mariana Botey, Phoebe Boswell, Wendy Cabrera Rubio in collaboration with Manuel Delgado and Manuela García, Gabo Camnitzer, Phil Collins, Isaac Contreras, Lola Cueto, Shezad Dawood, Inji Efflatoun, Em’kal Eyongakpa, Denise Ferreira da Silva & Arjuna Neuman, Ariel Guzik,  Hugh Hayden, Kamala Ibrahim Ishag, Alfredo Jaar, Laboratorio de Investigación en Resonancia e Investigación de la Naturaleza, Marilyn Nance, Berenice Olmedo, Frida Orupado, Vica Pacheco, Prabakhar Pachpute, Gala Porras-Kim, Daniela Rossell & Galen Jackson, Jaime Ruiz, Betye Saar, David Alfaro Siqueiros, Slavs and Tatars, Rufino Tamayo, Victoria Udondian and YOPE.

Photo: Alfredo Jaar, ¿Qué hacer?, 2022. Centro de las Artes de San Agustín, Oaxaca.


Hand to your ear at Emalin

Part 1 (presence/surplus): 18 November 2021 – 22 January 2022
Part 2 (noise/silence): 24 February – 24 March 2022
London, United Kingdom

Curated by Gabriella Nugent

Moving beyond conceptions of sound as a sensory quality, Hand to your ear treats sound as a haptic and corporeal experience. Part 1 (presence/surplus) explores the connections created by sound between people and across geographies. In doing so, it examines sound as a strategy of contact, of being seen and heard by others. If sound entails an experience of visibility, Part 2 (noise/silence) considers its inverse: silence and opacity as in, after Édouard Glissant, the refusal to be knowable, understood and rendered transparent by a dominant Western order. The exhibition turns to silence as a violent experience, as in being silenced, but also as a political position or a strategy of refusal to be seen and heard, or to be intelligible by the power structures that bind subjects.

Artists include: Cameron Clayborn, Alvaro Barrington, Nikita Gale, Tarek Lakhrissi, Ghislaine Leung, Jasper Marsalis, Alison O’Daniel, Malick Sidibé, Kate Spencer Stewart, Sung Tieu and Dominique White.